New developments at Silverdyke Holiday Park

New developments at Silverdyke Holiday Park

What a year we have had. The weather has been very kind to us and to get two fabulous summers in a row has been a great start to our new business. The touring part of Silverdyke Park will close on Sunday 2 November so we only have just over two weeks to go. However we won’t be resting on our laurels as there are lots of jobs planned over the winter period.
On Tuesday we are starting to develop another 5 lodge pitches situated at the east side of the park. We have to get a digger in to take some of the hill and do some leveling. Then we will mark out the pitches- it is so important to get this correct as we want to have good spacing between each lodge thus creating a luxury area to attract lodge owners. The lodges will have stunning sea views and will also be able to receive the sun most of the day and into the evening.
Also we will be developing another 3 holiday home pitches at the same time.
Careful planning is required to ensure the sewage pipes run properly into the main sewers we put in at the start of the caravan park development. Also electric, water and gas pipes have to be put into and connected up safely.
In November we have over 1000 hedge plants and trees arriving so we have to also prepare the ground in order to achieve good ground conditions for the plants to go into and grow to their maximum potential. We have struggled in areas to get trees and shrubs to grow but much of this has been because when we did the first development it had been a very wet summer and winter and the ground was waterlogged. Thus as a result of running on it and digging it up the soil has been damaged which is not conducive to healthy fast plant growth,
Here is a picture of the area before the diggers come in. It’s going to look a whole lot worse before it gets better!

New lodge area soon to be developed